My Sukkah is the Sukkah
(Sukati Hasukah)

English Translation:
My Sukkah is the Sukkah
My sukkah is the sukkah….
Wonderful and green.
For me, for me, for me – only, only, only,
Only for me it waits.
I have a grandfather, a grandpa I have,
His beard is white and wide.
He loves me so very much,
That our sukkah he will thatch.
My sukkah is the sukkah….
Wonderful and green.
For me, for me, for me – only, only, only,
Only for me it waits.
From morning until night
It stands shaded from light.
To the rafters dressed up,
Adorned for the festival.
My sukkah is the sukkah….
Wonderful and green.
For me, for me, for me – only, only, only,
Only for me it waits.